unit phrase

英 [ˈjuːnɪt freɪz] 美 [ˈjuːnɪt freɪz]




  1. A brief melodic or harmonic unit often constituting the base for a larger phrase or structure.
  2. The unit of complete translation includes the word, phrase, clause, multiple sentence and sentence group.
  3. Theoretically, any length of language can be a unit of translation, including phoneme ( grapheme), syllable, morpheme, word, phrase ( or collocation), clause, sentence, and in very rare and special case, including the whole text or discourse.
  4. To overcome disadvantage of word classifier, the strategy and method of phrase classifier designing whose classification unit is phrase are proposed. The experiments results prove that phrase classifier is superior to word classifier in rate and speed of classification.
  5. Turn-constitutional unit includes word, phrase, clause and sentence.
  6. The unit of translation can be word, morpheme, phrase or even clause.
  7. It is generally agreed that if a language unit can be extended by inserting some component, then it is a phrase, otherwise it is a word.
  8. In Chinese, phrases are minimum language unit and are the base of sentences processing. Only properly deal with the phrase can sentences be processed well. The most important part of phrases level is Chinese word segmentation.
  9. Unit of translation is divided into six levels by Barkhudarov: phoneme level, morpheme level, word level, phrase and expression level, sentence level and discourse level.